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Blüemlisalp Dirndl

Blüemlisalp is a new label for an upscale Alpine lifestyle, designed, developed and produced in Switzerland. The idea was born from the love of local costumes and their fashionable development in our alpine regions of neighboring Bavaria and Tirol. Because the traditional alpine dress stopped being further developed in Switzerland around the mid19th century, we have adjusted this Swiss traditional garb to fit in with the 21st century. With its high-couture Swiss fabrics design and inspired from the traditional Bernese Sunday dress, these Lifestyle costumes are a Swiss alternative to the Dirndl.

More than attire.

Besides exclusive traditional lifestyle costumes, Blüemlisalp also produces accessories and a watch collection. All these items are related to the alpine history of Switzerland without reflecting the typical touristic merchandise or look.


The collection is step by step. meticulously designed. Costumes are made ​to measure and to order. Accessories and watches are commercially available from their own online store.


Creativity, design and craftsmanship: Made in Switzerland.

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The name Blüemlisalp derives from a glacial mountain range in the heart of the Bernese Alps, which on a clear day, is even visible from southern Germany.

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